Sunday 9 August 2015

Metamorphosis Ladies Conference

I love it when God meets with His girls and just loves on them!  This weekend has been an incredible one and once again I have been reminded how blessed I am to be in a church that seeks God's heart and creates an atmosphere where people can love Jesus and love those around them.  I believe the Metamorphosis Ladies Conference was indeed a Kairos moment, ordained by God to bring healing and release.  There was such a sense of unity in hearts joining with a desire to worship and an expectation that God would move. And praise Him, He did. 

Thank you to everyone involved in the immense effort to organise the event; we were spoilt rotten - from the beautiful decor (30 000+ paper butterflies transformed the venue into a gorgeous cocoon), the food was delicious and all the gifts and prizes left the girls feelings loved. 
Jenny Mae, thank you for your Realness and for being the voice God used to encourage us and remind us of the power of our testimonies - all things can be turned around to glorify God!
[If you have not heard Jenny Mae's testimony, buy her book "Monsters, Mice and Mercy".  Definitely worth the read]




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